Emily Chessa


Emily Chessa (elle/she) est originaire de Richmond, en Colombie-Britannique, et a commencé sa formation professionnelle en danse à la Royal Winnipeg Ballet School en 2006, où elle a reçu la bourse Paddy Stone en chorégraphie ainsi que la bourse Arnold Spohr pour ses accomplissements dans le domaine de la danse. Après avoir obtenu son diplôme en 2010, Emily s'est ...

Amara Barner


Amara Barner is a BIPOC, multidisciplinary artist from Minnesota, who currently resides in Montreal, Quebec. As a teenager she traveled as an assistant to the choreographers of The Pulse On Tour, Intrigue Dance Intensive, as well as Emma Portner. Among these opportunities for professional development, Amara was granted opportunities to perform and teach at workshops in Australia, Mexico, England, ...

Elon Hoglünd


Born in Stockholm Sweden, Elon Hoglünd discovered his love for dance through breaking and Hip Hop at the age of seven. Since this early age, in parallel to his love of Hip Hop, Elon also developed a deep interest for martial arts and trained extensively in various forms: kung fu, capoeira and taekwondo. Dance and movement evoked in him ...

Charles Cardin-Bourbeau


Charles was born and raised in Whitehorse, Yukon and completed his professional contemporary dance training at The School of Dance in Ottawa in 2013. Upon graduating, he joined Compagnie ODD, where he worked with choreographers Yvonne Coutts, Tedd Robinson, Noam Gagnon and Andrew Turner. He also works with Toronto choreographers Darryl Tracy and Riley Sims. From 2014 to 2016, ...

Shérane Figaro


Shérane Figaro began her first dance lessons at the age of eight in Haiti. Her training in traditional Haitian dance enabled her to understand and master most Haitian rhythms and all their symbolism. At the same time, she completed a Bachelor's degree in Accounting (Haiti) and a Master's degree in Administration (USA). Upon her arrival in Quebec, she continued ...

Claudine Hébert


Claudine Hébert gradua de l’École de danse contemporaine de Montréal (EDCM) en 2007. Depuis, on a pu la voir danser pour des chorégraphes tels que Jacques Poulin-Denis, Soeurs Schmutt, Catherine Gaudet,  Kate Hilliard. En 2009, elle se joint à la compagnie Virginie Brunelle avec laquelle elle a la chance de danser partout à travers le monde.  Un an après ...

Jean-François Gilède


A native of Toulouse (France), Jean-François Gilède joined the Figaro and Co company at an early age, where he danced, sang and acted. He took part in some twenty shows with professional artists, before obtaining his first contract with the KalioPthalie company. At the age of twenty, he discovered contemporary dance through choreographic laboratories. He went on to study ...

Emmanuelle Lê Phan


Québeco-vietnamese and raised in Ottawa, B-girl known as Cleopatra and co-founder of dance company Tentacle Tribe, Emmanuelle Lê Phan has forged a singular career path intermingling breaking, contemporary dance and circus performances. Her dance's virtuosity brought her to Cirque du Soleil stages (The Beatles LOVE Show in Las Vegas), Cirque Éloize stages (ID) and other international special events. In ...

Elsa Tellier


A 2016 graduate of the École de danse contemporaine de Montréal, Elsa Tellier has performed works for choreographers including Victoria Mackenzie, Benoît Lachambre, Marie Béland and the Sqx Dance Company. Currently a performer with Sinha Danse, she is enthusiastically preparing performances of “Shared Breath” for summer 2024. As a choreographer, this is her seventh creation since 2019. A dance ...

Hélène Remoué


Originaire de France, Hélène Remoué a commencé la danse très jeune en touchant à plusieurs styles. Elle est admise au Conservatoire de Paris en 2009 où elle se spécialise en danse contemporaine, puis part outre-Atlantique en 2011 pour se perfectionner à l’École de danse contemporaine de Montréal (EDCM). Diplômée et  récipiendaire de la bourse Sofia-Borella en 2014, elle co-crée ...

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