Three questions to choreographer Andrea Peña who is starting in a creative residency with six EDCM graduates for the Projet Fly. A performance will be presented in our studio on September 4, 2019. More info
– EDCM: Why are you moving?
– AP: I no longer move myself, but move through my interpreters in search for a transparency of our vulnerable selves, the intuitive rhythms of the body, and metaphors of dialogues about our human states. Movement is a language of re-communicating, re-negotiating, re-flecting and re-appropriating our simplest selves.
– EDCM: What is your greatest source of inspiration during the creative period?
– AP: I am inspired by rich simplicity, surrealist paintings, philosophical readings, visual arts- particularly sculpture, the artists and collaborators around me – their mistakes, their nuances, their human qualities.
– EDCM: In one word, what is Dance for you?
– AP: Vulnerability
Projet Fly sponsor: Bell Canada.
Photo: Bobby Leon