Boomerang – danses partagées is an event developed by EDCM which supports creativity, talent and know-how of contemporary dance artists. It aims to act as a professional springboard for emerging contemporary dance artists.
This platform gives an opportunity to EDCM graduates to present the result of their creation. This event highlights of three choreographic pieces. The public is invited to interact with choreographers and artists involved at the end of the performance. Feedback from the audience, who is part of this experience, provides artists useful information in order to develop a choreographic signature and artists’ personal universes.
Presentation: April 15 at 7 pm
At La Sala Rossa – 4848 Saint-Laurent Boulevard, Montreal, QC H2T 1R5
Choreographers: Rosalie Boivin, Émile de Vasconcelos-Taillefer, Anna Vauquier
About Boomerang – danse partagées
Boomerang – danse partagées is an event developed by EDCM which supports creativity, talent and know-how of contemporary dance artists. It aims to act as a professional springboard for emerging contemporary dance artists. This platform gives an opportunity to EDCM graduates to present in studio the result of their creation. The informal and accessible evening highlights extracts of three choreographic pieces in a creation process.
This project is coordinated by a committee composed by EDCM graduates:
Maéva Cochin, Clémence Dinard, Mathieu Hérard
Photo: Maxime Côté | Dancer: Anna Vauquier